Healthy Mompreneur

Healthy Mompreneur
Shawna L. Hamilton B.A,BKin,H.D

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

DIY Homemade Protein Bars!

Like every mom, you know what it's like to be on the go more often than not! And because of the mayhem that your list of things to do can create, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and obvious how we can skip a meal and/or snack along the way.

When I was personal training, ie: working full time, I lived in my car if I wasn't with a client. As a mobile business, I drove alot every day! I had my meals packed in my cooler and ready to serve when hunger would strike. Super organized, super healthy and now super unrealistic with an infant in the house! LOL!

Recently, I've been working hard to rebuild my bod after building my baby and I know how important it is to eat right! But I also know how important it is to maximize my free time, so I've dug out a recipe of mine for homemade protein bars!

I wanted a healthy and quick snack to be able to pack or grab on the go that wasn't full of any extra preservatives, additives, colorings and lets face it CALORIES! This recipe is nothing but wholesome goodness. They are fairly filling and very tasty. 
They take no time to prepare and no time to bake, so have fun with this easy recipe! Add or delete where you wish to best suit your preferences. This recipe is very flexible for vegans, vegetarians, celiacs, those with sensitivities etc so have fun and experiment!

Here is what I make at home!


You'll need:

1 cup of whey or soy protein powder ( I used vanilla whey)
1/2 cup of quinoa flour (or flour of your choice) 
2 cups of rolled oats (not instant)
1/2 cup of oat bran
1/2 cup of coarsely chopped flax seed
1/2 cup of wheat germ
1 tsp of sea salt
1/4 tsp of nutmeg ( I shaved my own from the nut itself)
1/2 cup of Sucanat, agave nectar or organic honey (I used agave nectar - unflavored)
1 cup of dark chocolate ( I used carob chips)
1 3/4 cups of light cream cheese ( or yogurt cheese or soy cheese for less fat and calories)
1/4 cup of avocado oil 
2 tsp of extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp of high quality vanilla

Mix all dry ingredients first, including the chocolate..then mix the cheese of choice, the oils and the vanilla separately. Only after this, do you mix them altogether! (Don't taste the's addictive)

Spread the entire mixture on a lightly coated baking sheet and bake at 350F for about 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and allow to cool a little bit before you cut your squares. 

Once you have created as many squares as you can, place back in the oven for another 15 minutes at the same temperature.

When they're done, place on a cooling rack and in about 20 minutes you'll have these amazing bars chalk full of nutrition and ready to go!
They are to be stored in the fridge once they have cooled entirely.
Enjoy everyone!

If you try these and made any changes, let me know, I'll give your ideas a shot the next time I bake!

Off to pack my gym bag for tomorrow's workout! Even with a baby, there are no excuses!

Chat soon!
S xo

Sunday, July 21, 2013

10 Tips & Tricks For Comforting Baby Gas

The poor little darlings, don't you just wish you could snap your fingers and take your baby's gas pain away? You know the cry, the ear piercing, face reddening, knee tucking bunched up ball they turn into when it's time to toot!?

It's only at just over 8 weeks that I am learning that some of this is quite normal, but too much of it isn't. We can't control an immature, underdeveloped digestive system, they are brand new beings and just growing, but we can certainly help ease the drama and make our little angels far more comfortable.

First things first, speaking now as a Homeopath as well as a mom, no baby should be in an inordinate amount of pain daily. Something is surely wrong. It could be an allergy, a sensitivity, over feeding or poor feeding position. It's an art to mastering the problem with an ideal solution, but you must start right away if your child is suffering beyond what your instinct allows and here is what you can try. These options have helped baby Ava tremendously and they just might work for you too!

TIP ONE:  Don't assume an allergy per se, but consider a sensitivity. Some babies really struggle with either milk protein (whey) and/or milk sugar (lactose being the biggest culprit). If you breast feed, try removing all dairy from your diet for a full 2 weeks (less than that won't even scratch the surface of proving a sensitivity) and see how baby fares. If your infant just so happens to be manifesting some eczema or chronic rashes, removing dairy will help with these issues too. It can be like magic! There is quite a correlation between dairy intake and skin affections in infants.

Lessen your caffeine and spicy food intake too if you breast or combination feed. What you eat, is what they get.

If baby is bottle fed, opt for a "hypoallergenic" or "sensitivity/lactose free" option. All brands have them. You can try soy as well. But in my opinion, I would select the above mentioned first. I find with my client's and my own baby, that this typically helps right away. And warm baby's milk for them. Don't feed from straight out of the fridge. Who wants cold milk? And if you do formula feed, the ready made liquid is best for infants. Save the tubs of powder that you have to mix with water until they're older and their tummies have matured more.

And watch any over feeding. It's typical that with every wail or crying fit that new mom's assume hunger. Don't worry, you're normal. We're eager to help, we want to soothe and secretly want to put a plug in it so to speak, even for a few seconds, right? But that's not always the case. If you over feed them, then their little tummies are sure to have a heck of a time assimilating all of that food at once.

TIP TWO: Try and feed baby a little more upright if bottle fed and select a bottle that is designed to decrease air pockets when tipped. The Playtex "Vent Aire" is a good choice as that little bend in the bottle tips it up just enough so less bubbles form for your child to swallow. Positioning baby with a long spine helps rather than curled up along your lap or flat on their backs. If breast fed, the football position offers that preferred long spine too. Or you can even feed while laying on your side. Basically, you want to refrain from any position that bunches baby up or has their head too low making swallowing more of a challenge.

TIP THREE: Always include time to adequately burp your baby. Rock, rub, tap, bounce, do whatever you need to do to be sure you hear air leaving from one end or the other (preferably both)

TIP FOUR: I love this product. Bio Gaia is a probiotic that is totally safe for infants. You can find it at your local pharmacy. Ask the pharmacist as it's kept in the fridge (please keep in the fridge at home too) and comes in a 5ml bottle. It's worth the money. Getting their tummies the natural "good" bacteria that is required for ideal digestion is important (as it is for all of us). Just place 5 drops on your own nipple or on the bottle nipple at least once a day to start. Ask your doctor or natural health care practitioner what dosage would be best for your child. It made a huge difference for Ava.

TIP FIVE: Personally, I always have a little bit of sugar and mint water on hand for really uncomfortable feedings. I mix a little bit of raw sugar with slightly warmed nursery water (always be mindful of the temperature, try it on your hand first) barely steeped in a few mint leaves. It's very soothing for an aching belly. Some of my clients have also reported that doing the same thing with bay leaves can help too. It's up to you. About 2oz of it should be suffice, but every child is different.

TIP SIX: Warmth is a wonderful thing. I use a child's heating pad (ours is a little bear) warmed only a bit and held gently along her tummy WITH CLOTHES ON for extra safety on her delicate skin. Using the heating pad after the night time feeds helps baby to relax into a nice, comfortable sleep. Ava loves it. When gas is stuck in the lower belly, that is what hurts the most. Some warmth is very helpful for them. Or you can try a warm bath, but I find bath time stressful for them if they begin stressed. I don't encourage that. But if your baby is fairly calm but just abit uncomfortable, a warm bath can feel lovely for them.

TIP SEVEN:  Homeopathic remedies are fabulous. Safe, gentle, effective and all natural. How can you go wrong? Selecting single remedies are hard to discuss here, as your baby's exact symptom picture is what enables me to differentially diagnose, so if you are interested, just drop me a line and I can help you select one. As for a combination remedy, Homeocan has a decent one that can really help. It's called Colic.  Your baby doesn't have to be diagnosed as colic to use this remedy effectively. You can find it at Babies R Us, it's inexpensive, flavoured and easy to use. Administer as directed.

TIP EIGHT: Massage is also a great way to connect with your baby, as they adore your touch, but it can also help move those nasty bubbles around for better expulsion too! I use gentle little clockwise circles with my fingers on Ava's belly and at times I gently rub downward on her low spine too. Moving their legs helps too. Cycle motions, in and outs, ups and downs etc. Foot rubs also feel nice for them. I love and use Arbonne's all natural baby body oil.

The idea is to get them to relax. They aren't aware of it, but high stress screaming only makes matters worse for them. Look at their level of discomfort as their way of communicating, they just want to say "Mommy, I'm in pain, please help me." In those crazy moments when you want to pull your hair out, reciting this to yourself helps. They don't want to bother or annoy you, they just really need you.

TIP NINE: Deep breaths. Take a few for yourself. New mom panic is all over your body language and in your energy. Baby knows. When you're calm, they're calm (or at least calmer).

TIP TEN: A mommy's comforting goes a long way. It'll try your patience at times, but just know that it passes. And be sure to keep enforcing what is working for you and allow enough time for new changes to instill such as your diet, or your formula change. Rarely does betterment happen overnight.

Do you have some other mom tips for gas pain? I'd love for you to share. We're here to help each other! It's an awkward stage, as it can make the whole house uncomfortable! And there isn't a baby out there that doesn't suffer with it. Some worse than others, but gas pain is inevitable and also totally normal. As moms, we just need to do our part in making it easier for them.

Good luck!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Living, Learning And Loving it!

Where does the time go? I swear, I am somehow busier now than I was when I was up at 4:45am every day putting in a full day of work!

It has taken me a wee bit of skill and a whack of luck to implement some sort of sleep schedule for my darling 7 week old! After praying for and finally getting what I call my "5 in a row" I was thrilled to feel among the vibrant and the living when 4 days straight, each with 5 full hours of sleep made me feel like a new woman! I could finally endure my day without spontaneous bouts of narcolepsy and was able (and more than willing) to kick a few things off of my personal and professional to-do lists, because what mom doesn't strive for her version of Super Mom status?! We can do it all 100% of the time right? Right. (insert a giggle and some sarcasm)

And then it happened...the reality of what really happens when a new mom can sleep at night! Despite my new found energy, I actually can't get a damn thing accomplished! Lol! Before, I was so tired I couldn't even dream of the energy required for what needed to get done. Now, I have an awake little buddy that craves my undivided attention more often.

The catch 22 being, now that she sleeps through most of the night, I can't muster more than a few snippets of time, as Ava's naps have gone from 3+ hours to maybe 45-60 minutes each! Once I grab a snack or a meal (bless the ones I can eat with 2 hands), bathe and relieve my dogs, sure enough, the moment my butt hits the chair at my desk, the lil miss wakes! Her precious blue eyes and cutie coo can make me pull my hair out and cry loving tears all at once!

Sometimes I feel like I'm on candid's like, "this just happened right?"

But my frown always turns upside down as I attend to my little bundle with a full heart and know that somehow, some way, my time each day will balance as it should. Letting go of the structure and independence I once lived by and prioritized is very difficult for me. I was always very loyal to my work and husband especially, my friends, family and more. The transition feels in slow motion. But just because I wasn't terribly "productive" as far as my lists are concerned, I have to remember that I was one heck of a productive mom in the meantime. Bum changes, sleepy time baths, feedings, rocking, bouncing, kisses, walks and play time are what should remain on the top of my mental agenda everyday. When will she ever be an infant again?
Sleeping Beauty
I keep thinking I can do it all - all the time. Being an attentive, nurturing and loving mom IS a job and it takes more energy than I ever imagined, but the unconditional love and affection from your child is the best remuneration there is. I'm learning that motherhood isn't linear. My experience has been nil until only 7 weeks ago. I made the audacious and unrealistic assumption that Ava can get "scheduled" into my "old self schedule" (simple & easy peasey) and every daily intention will get met. Well, haven't I hit a learning curve huh? And curves aren't so linear are they? It's practically embarrassing to admit! It's impossible to prepare for the depths of change that goes on from the old daily grind and the face you once showed to the world.

However, what I can schedule, is how to stay real.  I now make sure that I begin my day with what I call, a gratitude walk (grabbing a pooch too lets me multitask this). In my head I remind myself daily about everything in life that I am grateful for. I carve time out for my workouts 2-3 times a week, appreciating that I have to start small for times sake and for my healing body. And do one thing a day that enables me to take better care of myself, even if it is a nap with babe or a hot bath or a quiet cup of coffee or even 20 minutes of pleasure reading.

This is my recent read and I love it! Every woman, no matter how old or young should embrace the bottom line of this book! Reconnecting with yourself, understanding who you are and embracing personal fulfillment IS ok and IS necessary, or the mom that you have to offer isn't going to be enough.

Embracing this stage of my life with excitement, gratitude and appreciation is extremely important to me and this book helped me redefine who I am as a woman and as a mother! If you have read it, or choose to read it, please share your thoughts. I'd love to hear from you!

In my next entry, another one of my hats will be worn! As a Homeopathic practitioner, I've tried a few natural and safe options to help with baby gas, no matter whether you're little one is bottle fed or breast fed. I'm happy to share what has worked best for us - so far!

Oh! And I haven't forgotten about my homemade protein bars too! When you have a munchkin in one arm, these are easy, "crap free" and portable! I often grab one throughout the day! I'll share a vegan/vegetarian recipe option too for you!

High fives to you, my fellow mom! May this post remind you of how important you are and how lucky you are to have the BEST job in the world! :)
Talk soon!

Monday, July 01, 2013

When Life Throws Ya A Baby....

So, it's finally time for a new blog. Many things always accompany a new chapter right? I've been thinking of this project for quite some time, but always hesitated as I wondered what a once ever so busy, hyper independent, passionate, self employed health and wellness professional turned stay at home/work from home mom would have to say. Moreover, I also contemplated exactly what I could possibly contribute, until it hit me.

Oh So Mompreneurial! was born the moment I realized how wonderful it would be to offer a reliable and dependable resource for new moms who were trying to learn and understand their new identity as well as figure out how to continue contributing to their family bank account. I certainly didn't let go of my small, mobile health and fitness business,

but it did get a huge shove to the side for a little while as my sweet baby girl blessed us this May. I decided that my objective is to find a way to keep my passion of helping women look and feel beautiful and vital alive! So with that, I would like to sincerely welcome you to a forum honestly written by me, offering over 12 years of experience in the health and fitness industry and a place where you can find healthy recipe ideas, weight loss support, solid nutrition and supplement information, fitness tips, natural medicine and more!

I am also excited to be part of a super fun, talented and successful group of women who share my interest in providing others with the greatest in all natural, vegan and gluten free wellness products and purely botanical, Swiss based skincare.

As an Arbonne consultant, my personal and professional selves have an opportunity to mix well! The babe and I get to connect with other moms and entrepreneurs to combine some fun business and pleasure! It's all coming together nicely for me, as I pave a path that enables me to earn AND raise Ava! I've spent my 20's getting educated, my 30's working hard and building a brand and now I aim to spend my 40's being the best mom I can while never losing my entrepreneurial spirit! So much is possible and I'm grateful for the fortitude, courage, confidence and will power that comes with age! Don't you find that too? The older we get, the more we can accept past challenges because they have taught us so much and the deeper our excitement can grow because we have gained better understanding of exactly what we are capable of. This is 40 for me. I embraced this birthday like no other!

And now, the homeopath and trainer in me can add mommyhood to my resume! After marrying "late" (at 36) and having our beautiful little girl "late" (at 40) I decided that this miraculous life change deserves a spotlight too! The only difference being, that I completely demote myself from expert to newbie in this particular profession! And being the best mom you can be IS hard work and is the only work on the planet that doesn't come with a universal prep course! Believe me, I am very aware that I am not raising a new issue here, balancing work and family for women has been ongoing for decades and I am proud to throw myself in the mix of these fabulous Super Women who are out there killing it! I'm green with envy! This life balance really is a true art and if I can help others with an idea or two that'll help save time, naturally heal a baby's bum rash, lose a few pounds, or get fit, that's what I am here for!

Never hesitate to reach out, I'd love to hear from you!

A warm hug and a thank you for taking a look and allowing me to introduce myself! I look forward to supporting you through the slings and arrows of new motherhood, work and life! Heck, I'm sure we'll end up supporting eachother!

Perfect timing, the lil miss is calling...ahem..screaming! It's mid morning and this is the best time for her daily exercise! Her pooch loves to join her too! I've attached a photo from the last time she was on her mat! I'm a big fan of these things, it helps to offer some stretch time, builds her muscles and stimulates her brain! They're inexpensive too!

Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians! This Holiday afternoon, the only plan is to spend time at home with the fam and get some baking in while hubs is home to watch Ava! I make my own protein bars! I'll share my easy recipe with you on my next entry!

Til the next time I have two hands to type,
S :)

Ava and Chance